Tuesday, October 28, 2008


What a weekend.. (24-27 October 2008)

Rushing a 10% assignment --> C++ coding, like a crazy woman, whom skipped meals and sleep just to do a 10% assignment. Is it worth it? 27 Oct supposed to be Deevapali.. but.. I was too tired to go anywhere.


CSCI212 Quiz 1 on coming Friday, 31 Oct 2008,
CSCI212 Assignment 2 due next Thursday, 6th Nov 2008,
CSCI204 Quiz on following week Tuesday, 11th Nov 2008,
CSCI204 Assignment 2 due on the same week Sunday, 16th Nov 2008,
CSCI212 Assignment 3 due on Thursday, 27 Nov 2008,
CSCI212 Quiz 2 on Friday, 28 Nov 2008,
CSIC204 Assignment 3 due -- Sunday, 30 Nov 2008

With this kinda schedule... HOW TO SURVIVE?!?!?!


only can pray hard to survive through.. GOD BLESS ME..

lucky I've still got my tida gong... *blushed*

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